Sunday, April 26, 2009

Back Home

We are home from the hospital, and being home is so good. After extensive testing, poking, prodding, analyzing, imaging, injecting, and observing, all doctors are in agreement with a high level of confidence, that the problem which brought Brucie to the hospital is not going to cause him to expire in the immediate future. Beyond that, they have differing opinions. Although we do not have all the answers, we did gain important information, and some of it is even positive. It was a real roller coaster of an adventure and emotion. We are keeping the focus on thankfulness for being home and doing well.

Only three doctors annoyed me, and of those, just one is on my avoidance list. The three other doctors were great. All of the nurses and patient care techs were beyond fabulous, and they took quite a liking to him. When it was time to leave, the charge nurse was the one to bring him downstairs in the wheelchair.

I have had such a wonderful outpouring of support and love during this ordeal, and I cannot begin to express how much it helped. It means so much to me, and I am so very grateful. All of this powerful love is almost overwhelming. I learned much more over these past few days then I thought possible. Thank you.
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