Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Tour Time

Well, the Tour de Fleece has been great for helping me get back to my spinning.  I finished spinning the green fluff I started last year.  The spinning went well, and the dye that transferred to my fingers and hands as I spun let me know that finishing the yarn was going to take eleventy-bazillion rinse cycles.  Actually, it took a few more than that, but I like the finished yarn, so it was worth it.  This is a three-ply, and the fiber is superwash merino.  I know superwash can be a bit of a coin toss, but I like this.    
At a certain point I felt like I was never going to finish, and my Celestarium was sitting at about 33% completion.  So, I decided to get something tiny on the needles, and now I have a little fat cat and ice cream cone magnets for the refrigerator.  

I guess I will take a dive into the fiber bins and see what wants to be spun next.  I suppose it would be helpful if I found my little scale so I can better divide the fluff, but I won't let that hold me back from getting something on the wheel.  I haven't really given much thought to what I will spin next, but I know the stash holds many wonderful possibilities.  

I hope you are all having a joyful July and your time on the Tour has been smooth.    
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