This is a trip to visit someone getting ready for surgeries next week. We will be out-of-town (more on this later) when it happens, and the convalescence is likely to be one where company is more of a complication than a comfort. That is why we are making the trip tomorrow. We know they will want us to stay overnight, but we just will not have the time. We are so busy.
Tonight we had an impromptu birthday party for my sister. It was so last minute that I did not have her present with me to give her. She will just have to wait for her actual birthday on Tuesday. I think she knows part of what I am giving her. The other day she almost obtained one of the items from another source, but I scolded her firmly until she dropped the subject. I had to be about as subtle as a sledgehammer, and then my nephew piped up that maybe she would get one for her birthday.