Monday, October 12, 2015


The rain is falling, and so is Bruce's blood sugar.  It's a bit weird, but I suppose with everything else going on, it is not surprising that this is a bit wonky, too.  It does make things a bit more challenging.  He is using the electric carts in the stores so that he can handle being up and about for longer and go where he would like and it helps him to get it a bit more walking from going out on errands with me.  That is good, except for the part where he found a mimosa tree on clearance and it became the only thing he ever wanted.  So, I planted a tree today.  

The next 36 hours or so look to be fuller than I would like.  Next time we're in the hospital, we both ought to have checks to see where your backbones have gone.  Yeah, I'm willing to take part of the responsibility, but I will also say that other people could be more considerate, too.  I need to watch out because I am in danger of popping off at the next person who annoys me.  I think it is time to sit with the quiet and some relaxing essential oils and just breathe.  Never mind, I bought ice cream.  I will take time to take care of myself some other time.  Really, I just need to spend some time chilling like these two.  


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