Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Good Company

It would seem that I am not the only person who has difficulty with mailing packages. A friend who moved away earlier this Fall says she also struggles with this. However, I think she waited on purpose. She waited to let my birthday celebration stretch out a bit longer. She waited to secure a personalized autograph copy of a fabulous book. She waited a bit longer to give me a much-needed boost during a difficult patch.


When I wrote to thank my friend for the thoughtful gifts, she wrote back that she knew that I would love these, and that I was unlikely to purchase them for myself. She was right. I may be a bit of an emotional wreck, but these tears of love and joy have been refreshing.

Now, I pet my lovely cashmere, and look through this wonderful book. There are such classic, timeless patterns. I could have almost immediately queued the entire book, but I stopped after adding two. Bridgewater and Quincy will be fabulous knits.
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