Pattern: Shetland Triangle from Wrap Style Size: 64"x33" Yarn: Noro Kureyon Sock Needles: US 6 Knit Picks Options Mods: 10 reps of main chart instead of 8; added beads on edge chart Began: September 15 Blocked: September 20
As you probably guessed, chocolate and iced coffee were not the ones to give me the answers Ineeded to finish the Shetland Triangle. I used my little digital scale, and when all was said and done, I had four grams to spare. I was so pleased. I wanted to use up as much of the yarn as possible, for it is very special yarn. I knit this using the Noro Kureyon Sock yarn that I won from Joan. This was also my inspiration for adding beads to the shawl. Now I cannot decide if this shawl is for me, or if it will be a gift. I love this shawl!
Whose Shawl?
Pattern: Shetland Triangle from Wrap Style Size: 64"x33" Yarn: Noro Kureyon Sock Needles: US 6 Knit Picks Options Mods: 10 reps of main chart instead of 8; added beads on edge chart Began: September 15 Blocked: September 20
As you probably guessed, chocolate and iced coffee were not the ones to give me the answers Ineeded to finish the Shetland Triangle. I used my little digital scale, and when all was said and done, I had four grams to spare. I was so pleased. I wanted to use up as much of the yarn as possible, for it is very special yarn. I knit this using the Noro Kureyon Sock yarn that I won from Joan. This was also my inspiration for adding beads to the shawl. Now I cannot decide if this shawl is for me, or if it will be a gift. I love this shawl!