I began my purchases with a bargain score. I picked up a gently used copy of Folk Knitting in Estonia by Nancy Bush for seven dollars. I rounded out the transaction with four magazines priced at fifty cents each. I grabbed the Spring 2000 IK, the Fall 1996 Spin Off, and Fall 1996 and 1999 Knitters. I saw that the Spin Off has an article with thirteen exercises to teach color stuff. I need the help.
While many Skanky Knitters (including one I had not seen for a while) attended the event, we did not spend too much time together. We were Free-Range Skanks, crossing paths to show off purchases and point out great vendors. I agreed to give my best efforts at teaching Beth how to spin on a drop spindle. I talked her out of an overpriced cd-drop spindle kit containing a small, questionable fiber blob. Instead, she chose some nice wool (BFL, I think) in colors she loves. I am already thinking of how I might help her to learn. I should lend her my copy of Spinning in the Old Way by Priscilla Gibson-Roberts. I found it to be full of great information. Still, I think the best advice I can offer is to put in a bit of spinning time each day.
I wandered about and enjoyed watching people spin. I need to spend more time watching people spin. I might need to spend some time spinning around other spinners, too. There is always so much to learn. Speaking of learning, I saw a different short-row heel construction that I want to try.
My fiber stash did not have a huge increase, but I added a new fiber. I have never spun silk. I saw
I encountered more than one Raveler. Pat promised to send a prize to anyone who stopped by her tent and mentioned Ravelry. It was too bad that I had already depleted my budget for the event when I found her and figured out who she was. She had some gorgeous fiber in brilliant colors that caught my eye. Maybe a road trip will be in order to visit her store.
I meant to pick up a small lavender plant. They were only two dollars, and my attempts at growing lavender from seeds have not been successful. I planned to make it my last purchase so that I would not have to carry them around, but I forgot. I guess it was not meant to be, and those little plants can heave a collective sigh knowing that they have a chance to live.
I hope to make it back next year. It is a wonderful way to spend the day.
p.s. Thanks for the birthday greetings! I had a fabulous day!