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Last night was a fabulous night with the Skanky Knitters. We labored on under the difficulties of a broken espresso machine. The upside was a nearly empty Barnes & Noble Cafe for us to be ourselves. Attendance was slow to begin the evening, but by the end of the night, we had pushed together more tables and had a wonderful time. We were pleased to have Christina and Bill amongst us once more. We were beginning to grow more concerned. Bill was still not feeling as fabulous as he would like, but we were so glad to have him with us. Christina is having a baby boy in November. We all knew about that. She had more happy news to share--it's a Majacraft! Now we have another Skanky Spinner. Laura had an exciting announcement she had to deliver about three times as more people arrived. She is going to have a baby! We knew it was something they had been hoping for and the number of baby knitting books she has purchased had clued us in that we would receive this news soon. Now, the question remains, will I hide the knitting for her baby from the blog or mix it in with all of the other baby knitting I have planned? It seems like there is a lot of baby going around. Speaking of, for another of the Skanks, Margaret, it is not going to be a human baby, but rather a rally car for her and her beloved. That was another bit of good news we heard of last night. There is an excellent chance that there are more good things happening soon for these two. It fills my heart with joy when good things happen for wonderful people, and the Skanky Knitters are some of the best!
Sockapalooza4 has been wonderful. I enjoyed the experience greatly, though I was filled with a bit of anxiety towards the end. I wanted to check the progress of my pal's socks as they made their way to her, but denied the existence of the delivery confirmation number I had. Argh! I was freaking when the projected delivery date passed and there was no news of the socks. So, I checked one last time today, and reported that the package had been delivered on August 10th. I was perplexed. I wondered what had happened. I was concerned about my pal. Still, I was relieved that the package had been delivered. I was pleased when I returned home this evening to see that my pal has updated the database to reflect that she has received her socks. Whew!
With all of this excitement, you might wonder if any knitting is happening around here. See for yourselves.
Yep, that is the center panel of Print o' the Wave. I finished that this afternoon. I made it to a NAKG meeting at Books-A-Million and had a great time. I met a new knitter. It is too bad that she had not brought her knitting with her. I hope I was still able to be of some help. I had the opportunity to spend a few minutes with Annette. I hope my words were able to offer some small comfort and encouragement in her difficult circumstances. I rounded out the afternoon by calling on the assistance of a bookstore employee. I have been waiting for the new IK, and they had not yet placed it out on the shelves. That is no longer the case, and I have a new magazine.