Tuesday turned out a bit differently than I planned. I met a puppy. Whether this is the new puppy for my mom remains to be seen. He is cute and sweet, but probably not the one. I am still puzzled how we left the house mid-afternoon and returned home around nine or ten, but that is what happened. My mind is so very fuzzy.
We have somehow made our way to Wednesday, and the Shetland Triangle has been finished for days. This pattern, yarn, and US 9 needles makes for a quick knit. I like that there was not too much yarn leftover, and am pleased that I correctly decided when to switch from the main chart to the edging. While I only knit eight repeats of the main chart instead of the pattern recommended ten, it is still a nice sized shawl. I have finished dimensions around 72"x38" and I like the yarn even more after washing. I thought it was fine before, but a little soak in water and wool wash made a nice difference. I hope the birthday girl loves this as much as I enjoyed knitting it for her. It was a round birthday for her, and it fell amongst much busyness, so she has not had the chance to celebrate yet. I guess that just goes to show that time is being eaten up for others, too.