Thursday, August 26, 2010

UM...See Previous Photo

The mitten survived, and the only knitting left on it is the thumb. I started its mate, and have made it to the same point as I was with the first when you saw it last.

The time is here for me to make some decisions about baby knitting. Amongst family and friends, I think there are four babies almost ready for life on the outs, and not all of them are getting handknits from me. Then again, sometimes I get going with the baby knits, and I just want to knit more of them, and some days I think a trip to Babies 'r' Us might be fatal for me, and everyone at that store has enough going on without me dying there.

Leads :: Me to believe
Concierge :: Service
Thousand :: Points of light
Engines :: Roaring
Argument :: Starter
2006 :: Summer Spin-Off
Knot :: Tie
Fuck :: Me
Handsome :: Devil
Ridge :: Crest

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