Saturday, March 20, 2010


Taking a bath by candlelight is so nice when it is a choice. Yeah, we have electricity problems, and like us, they are odd, and puzzling to solve. No power in the bathroom and half of the bedroom means I look even more attractive than ever. I am not much of a mirror-gazer, but now I am doing none. It has certainly altered our week more than a little bit. Still, we have done pretty well, especially considering we had a nephew here for part of his Spring Break. Anyway, we hope to have things fixed soon and back to what passes for normal around here.

n :: Loud
Saddlebags :: Giant
Restraint :: 5-point
Awake :: Barely
Blood :: Type
Shutter :: Speed
Posted :: No Trespassing
Corn cob :: Latrine
Flagrant :: Abuse
Fart :: Smelly
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