Friday, January 06, 2023

Two Years Later

A lot was happening two years ago today.  I have many thoughts on what happened that day and in the days since, but I'm not the right one to write about it all.  I remember dyeing my hair purple while watching and wondering about what was happening.   

As it also happened, it was my sister's birthday (she has one every year on this day) and so I sent her a birthday present.  Because it was a milestone birthday, I got her something extra special--a Hue Shift Afghan kit.  I got one for myself, too, and we made plans for a knitalong.  Back then vaccines were rolling out, and we thought that by the time we had made significant progress on our afghans we would be able to gather together, put on a movie marathon to accompany an end-weaving marathon.  We weren't right about so many things.  I've made much more progress on my afghan than she has on hers, but that's neither here nor there.  I can hope that when she makes it as far on hers as I have at this point, we can weave in ends and watch movies.  If it works out, I would even help weave in ends on her blanket for her.  Realistically speaking, that only seems likely if her progress stays at its current pace.  

Anyway, here's my progress shot.  I have not woven in a single end.  My next step is to stop gazing at it, unpin it, and start seaming.  Then I will decide if I feel like picking up and knitting one million (nah, it's only around 250-300 or so depending on the side) stitches and working the border or weaving in all those ends.  I don't dread any of the next steps, really.  The seaming is my least favorite because I am neither as skilled nor as speedy as I would like to be.  That being said, I will gain more experience, and that may help me to improve.  It's a win-win, or something, right?         

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