Thursday, November 05, 2015


Well, the Rata Lace Scarf is returning to stash form.  It's fine, really.  I might give the pattern another go with different yarn sometime, but for now, it's best to just try to put it out of my mind.  I'm not without lace on the needles though.  My secret lace project has over 200 stitches per row, but it doesn't feel like it.  I think I am going to transfer the yarn to the yarn bowl, because it has probably become an at-home only project.  In other not-news, I could not come up with a picture today.  We'll try again tomorrow, eh?     

Wednesday, November 04, 2015


Why knit when you can look at patternsYeah, I have a new book, New Lace Knitting by Rosemary (Romi) HillWendy reviewed and gave away a copy a while back.  When I entered the drawing I decided that if I did not win, I would get it.  I didn't, so I did.  While I've only given it a quick scan, I see some patterns I think I would knit and even some I would keep and wear.  I really like that there are sweater patterns written for lightweight yarns.  I am tempted to just knit a quick cowl or two, but I'm going to try to stick with what I have on the needles for now.  However, that doesn't mean I can't flip through the book and mentally go through the stash, pairing patterns and yarn.   

Tuesday, November 03, 2015


So, maybe FiSweMo?  I'm not really thinking about a deadline or schedule for finishing, but I would like to find out if I have been knitting a sweater I will wear.  Anyway, I'm a bit at loose ends with what to knit now.  My focus is a bit off, so I figure I can spend a bit of time with my Featherweight Wrap to Knit for now.  It is in a long-row stockinette state, so it seems like a good choice for what to work on for now.  So, no NaKniSweMo, and not even the pressure of FiSweMo, but maybe just KniThiSweSoMo.  

And now, because the big brown blob of a sweater is even less photogenic than the last time I showed it, I'll show you a picture I took back in July outside a yarn store in North Carolina.  


Monday, November 02, 2015


 (Edited to add the picture.  Helps to show the trouble if I need feedback, eh?)

Well, I did not look closely enough to determine whether there was a noticeable difference between the original yarn and the additional yarn for completing the piece.  However, it took less than one repeat of the edging chart to see what I could not see before.  You can see it, too, can't you?  Somewhere in my brain, I must have known this to be true, as I had already been thinking of alternate plans for the yarn.  While I am a little sad about this, this does free me up to pursue other projects.  Still, I'm not quite sure.  I might knit on this a little more before making a final decision.   

Sunday, November 01, 2015


I had something on my wishlist that my younger brother said he wanted to get for me, but lamented that Amazon had let him down by not being able to get it to me in time.  We'll just gloss over the fact that he waited until the last minute to figure out what to get for me.  Fast-forward to yesterday, and I was in Costco and spotted the very thing in the store.  When said younger brother called to wish me a happy birthday, I told him what I now had.  He asked if I would be making him a Darth Vader for Christmas, and also if the book had a Chewbacca pattern.  I asked him what he was getting me for Christmas.